
My simple, complicated Life

Ebb and flow... again, the overlapping seasons of my life are changing.

Wave after wave, life lessons roll in, washing away the footprints of the yesterday me and smoothing over my rough edges.

I stand again on the trackless beach of this new day sensing another turn of the tide.

The wild ocean, so mighty and vast, soothes me with its constant lulling rhythm. Night and day the currents sweep through the deep. Keeping perfect time, the earth, moon, and sun dance turning, spinning, rising, setting, until the waters, dizzy with the sway, crash into the continents.

Ah, Life, fragile mystery, powerful as the unseen breath that winds the hurricane, what storms are sure to blow? The seas of life are anything but predictable. All that is certain is change and the Mighty One that sustains you.

Sand and sea, sun and sky, life is a beach. How simple!

Oh, Life, how I complicate you! Oh, busy, restless Life, tossed with thought and activity!

Lord, You speak to me:

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands...” 1 Thessalonians 4:11

A quiet, peaceful life… this is my ambition.

Not boring;
Just simple.

Less cluttered, less chaotic, less frantic, less busy…
More deliberate, more meaningful, more beautiful…

Intentionally Less so that which remains is More.

God, I need You to bring order to my life “on earth as it is in heaven”. You are not the author of confusion but of peace. Dear God of Order, write my life with Your holy inspiration.

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