
Time to Turn the Page

The last day of the month,
The day I turn the calendar...
And I pause.

Time is passing.



Psalm 90:12
"Lord, teach us to number our days aright..."

"Teach us to live well!"
(The Message)

I was given a special calendar by a dear friend who shares my love for Israel. I wanted to do something memorable with this calendar, so it would be something I could treasure and keep even after the year was out-dated. I've decided to use it as a prayer calender. I am writing down my "top" prayer request or concern each day.

Most days, when I record a new petition, I end up praying over the other things I have written down.

As I turn this page tonight, I wonder how these will be answered.

When I look back at the end of the next month,
the next year,
or at the end of my life...
What thanks will I be giving to God?

I'm expecting
"exceedingly abundantly"
beyond all I can imagine.

This is a good thought to end this day.

Father, I am filled with hope. Help me to be even more thoughtful and intentional in my prayers this next month. Lord, what would You have me to pray? Lord, teach me to pray as I number my days.

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