
A Moment of Peace

I step outside to plug in the lights just as the sun is setting.

a silent moment
not a person in sight. not a sound.
I alone stand high on this hill taking in the view...
a pink sky. clear and bright.
a few bright stars shining.
white snow glowing soft blue in the evening light.

Jesus, I'm so glad you came, and I'm so glad you left your Spirit. Moments like these wouldn't be half so nice if I didn't have You to share them with.

No one but You knows the thoughts that go through my mind.
I stand in the cold, and You clear my head.
Thank You for the air that brings sense and order to overcrowded space; I didn't even realize how distracted I was.

My home feels different as I go back into the warm. Nothing has changed except my awareness of Your presence.

You are here. Christmas lights, music, family... all nice, but You add the wonder and the peace.