
Something Happy

"Mama, let's talk about something happy. Let's talk about adoption."

So, I tell her story again.

... how we waited and searched and traveled so far to find her...

In school today she heard the story of Abraham and Isaac.

"My mama would never sacrifice me because I am so special
She wanted me so much she went to Guatemala to get me."

Dear Abraham and Sarah, I know how you felt.

I told her that Isaac was extra special. Isaac's mommy and daddy couldn't have a baby either. They wanted Isaac sooooo much, too, and they had to wait even longer.

Then she told me "my story".

"When I was an orphan, I wanted a mama just like you sooooo bad. And, I waited patiently for 35 years..."

precious girl.

You could never know how deeply I loved you before I even held you, how my arms ached for you, how I prayed for you.

The first time I held you, and you lifted that tiny hand to touch my face... there are no words.

I'm so glad we found each other.

Oh, God, this is the heart of adoption. A choice to love... made and decided forever. This is your heart, to care for the orphan. You place the lonely in families. (Ps. 68:6) And, you fill empty arms.

Thank You, for letting me know the Spirit of Adoption, for bringing me in, choosing me. I can't help but wonder... Do you long for the day when You will hold me as much as I did for my baby girl?

"Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints." (Ps. 116:15)

Can you wait to bring Your children home?

Who but Your children can say, "Father, let's talk about something happy. Let's talk about adoption, and the day you'll bring me home."?